Sunday, February 06, 2005


been totally cOnquer by boredom.. sUnday is really boring.. stayting at home.. doing hoUse cHores.. rotting here aNd there.. this is the typicAl sUnday.. laTer sTill need to go to my graNdma hSe for reunioN dinner.. aRgh.. boring boring boring.. 2mOrow eNglish common test.. meaNs no PE..! y cAnt they tak pOa iNstead..?

2 mOre weeks to vaLentiNe day.. aNd guess i will be loNely aGain.. aNioNe cAres to be miNe vAlentiNe..? lolx.. hEe~ i am tokIn nOnsense aGain.. aLright.. let all the maggots crawl to my body again.. bye~ off to rot.. do not disturb..