Friday, November 24, 2006

better than me?

nothing exciting happening in life right now except for work work and more work.. come on, be generous, entertain me. ASK ME OUT!(i might consider..) haha.

i really hate ass licking muthafuckers. i mean seriously what do you get when you fight to complete all the god damn work. and then complain and whine how tiring it is to do everything with no help.
no one is the noob, you are. bitch.

why'd you go and break what's already broken
i try to take a breath but im already choking
how long till this go away
i try to remember to forget you
but you creep into everything i do
she said
she said
she said she's sorry
she say she wants to be friend
with one finger
i said fuck that
we never really had the closure, this cant be the end.
you deserve much better than me.