Monday, December 11, 2006

Dirty Business.

While i was answering mother nature's call today, thoughts of being a toilet nuisance cross my mind. BUT, im a good boy, so thoughts are just thoughts....

  1. voice out your fustration of having to squeeze out your crap. Hold on your "NGGGGGG" as loudly as possible, machiam like pregnant. and in between, assure yourself by repeating 'push' 'push hardly' 'coming out' 'i see it'.
  2. use the toilet roll and wet it into a big lump of ball. then standing as far as possible, dunk the ball into the toilet bowl. the 'THOMP' sound will be of devastating effects. i always giggled to myself when someone from the next cubicle let off his crap, the 'thomp' turns me on thou. LOL
  3. heave a loud sigh of relief. 'ahhhhhhhhhhhh'. then finish it with a shiok.
  4. Play porn with your handphone. dont switch off the audio. try to make others think you are masturbating. dont ask me how, i never try before maybe you can tell me how.
  5. knock on the next cubicle and ask them if they mine to lend you some toilet paper. when they slot to you, wipe your ass and return them. you lend mar, lend must return what.
  6. fart repeatedly, then shout, 'eh, dont fart leh'

Every visit to the toilet can be really entertaining now. make your next experience enjoyable!

i wish i was there.