Monday, April 21, 2008

Sorry seems to be the hardest word

So goodbye, these days are gone
And we can't keep holding on
When all we need is some relief
Through these times

Maybe i had been too umsympathetic and callous recently, severly lacking in humane qualities.
Everything happens for a reason and yes, come&go is a pair of couple that will never separate. Not you&me.
I wished i could just shrugged it off my shoulders, feign ignorance and wave goodbye.
But you deserve respect.

Promises is synonyms with emptiness
Nothing ever comes out right.

Alright, thoughts are meant to keep to oneself.
I havent regret anything, and do move on with life.
Rest assured times with you is worthwhile and enjoyable.
Time dont stop and life goes on.
You deserve better.

This time I think I'm to blame
It's harder to get through the days
We get older and blame turns to shame
'Cause everything inside it never comes out right