Saturday, January 27, 2007

this jetset life is gonna kill you.

Just yesterday, some obnoxious ladies pissed me off badly.
And thanks god, all in a day's period.

early in the morning, while my mind and body isnt functioning as properly as it is suppose to, and feeling so lethargic, this bitch of a lady was paying for some socks, note, its promotional item somemore. And she was like :" why is it that its like all open before one, is there any in proper condition" of course grinning to hide some bu shuang-ness. I was in the counter sorting out some document which have been giving me so many headache. and i look at her and replied " its all there m'am"
Then i just step out of the counter and walk to the pile of stocks waiting for me. my colleague then get her a new proper one. As i was walking past her, she says sarcastically, why is it that she can find it for me? still grouchy from the lake of sleep, i completely ignored her and proceed to my stock, feigning ignorance to her question.
Ah soh, by telling you its all there, im telling you to open your eyes wide wide and take yourself, not dont have leh. i think by not othering to even look at her, it pissed the shit out of her as she stormed out of the store. dumbwit.

And by the way, the other two peabrain appeared in the afternoon and night. Machiam like daily meal like that. 3 times a day. Perk my entire day man.

So the second fucktard was also a auntie. she was acting like some wife of some minister. crossing arms, slanting lips look. her really kateh daughter was trying out some basketball shorts, mens one some more. her arrogant look turn me off, as i didnt bother to approach her. after trying, she wanted a new piece, so i went in and search, and between the search, she request that she want the black one instead of the white. and it took me a longer time to her request. My colleague told me after that that she was grumbling why i was taking such a long time. in the end, i couldnt get her a new one, so she will have to make do with the displap set, for your info, the white piece is completely in good condition, no loose treads, no common stains and stuff. she grumble again saying why no discount, so i told her about the condition, its in perfect condition what.
she replied in some stuck up manner, " of course like that say lah, you are not the one buying the pants what."
and i repeat that its in very PERFECT condition.
and she replied "just the thoughts of people wearing in and out is very sickening right"
HELLO! your daughter are one of those that try this piece also please.
super dulan, i just keep quiet and say ohhh! argueing with another idiot pull down your intelligence what.
i really feel like retorting back, "Mam, so you are trying to tell me you dont wash your pants at all la?"
super dimwit man.

Now, the most atrocious one, that pissed me off so badly.
walking to the bus interchange with my assistant manager, i saw someone familiar, its this girl from secondary school, and she was waving at me, meaning hi la. she was with some not very appealing guy la, some luo zhi xiang or jay wannabe and they happened to be taking the same bus as me. So with no basic question i just casually asked her, eh, you still working here arh? yes, its rather idiotic.
and her reply was in a very duh manner, ar thennn?
i just say okayyy, and turned away.
Please, i abhor girls that put on airs. dont think you look stunning when you're not even closed to it. its like she thinks im flirting her or something. or maybe she wants to be very 'cool' in front of another guy. but i dont wanna give another care.
she's one of those girls that think pussy power is everything, and that man just cant leave without them. trying very hard to play hard to get.
by argueing, i may give that guy some opportunity to be guai lan, or i may look so not gentlemenly. but nothing can describe the struggle to hold myself from landing a tight slap on her cheeks. dont be so firvolous please. i cant stand it.

its uber annoying when you try to initate a conversation and completely got a snub or a very light hearted reply. totally make one look like a fool.

watch your words, watch your mouth.