hey~ dudes.. welcoMe to my new blog.. pls giV me ur comments.. on the tagboard.. dUn ask me y tis blogskin.. i dunnoe y too.. bUt i nOe i liKe the pic.. lolx.. thaNx yingting-diNo for ur great help..!!alright nOw.. uPdate bout wAd i brought yesterday at oRchard.. aloNg wif xiaNgrong gib mOng junkai pHeng aNd kok.. -nWo piNk polo tee =P
-jaCkpot 'alone' teE
-self design engraVe neCklaCe
-77th sTreet army paNts
-b.u.m 3/4 denim
hEe~ spent oVer 140 buCks.. exceeding my mOm's 100.. wahahas.. tats my own mOney k.. lolx.. sHoe's next.. lolx.. wAs really proud tat i maDe xiangrong sPeecHless.. lolx.. sHe wAs really proud wHen sHe beat phenG aNd gib to the nWo polo tee.. aNd wHen at jaCkpot.. sHe wAs aGain proud tat sHe beaten me aNd pHeng to the 'alone' tEe.. sO.. without aNy niCe sHirt.. i brouGht tHe saMe aS her.. lolx.. sHe so sAd sia.. lalala~ brouGht 2 paNts all 3/4.. den tat xiAo hai zi ask y m i aLways weaRinG 3/4.. lolx.. dun nOe hOw to aNs thoU.. bUt it suitS my look.. mOre cOmfortaBle.. lolx.. u waNt see me iN jeaNs deN buy me 1 loRs.. billaboNg oNe.. wahahas.. deN after tat weNt my godfather hse for dinner.. iTs his birthday.. lolx.. they carry on wiF tHeir oWn stuff.. lolx.. the diNner wAs good thoU.. aNd went hoMe shortly..
aNd.. u mUs be waNderiNg y i m blogging here.. lolx.. i didn't pon sch.. i eaRly depaRt.. =P serioUsly iNjure sia.. my thiGh swell up.. because of a mOment of maDness.. lolx.. we were long juMpinG.. and i wAs sEcoNd.. deN juMp lors.. dUn wAn to maKe mySelf saNdy sO decide to try sTandinG uP.. buT i losT my baLance topple a few metres iN froNt aNd fall oN the grass aNd my knee kNock hard to the ceMent curb.. aNd oUch.. i nOe i m in serious iNjury le.. caNt stand up.. aNd wAs hurtinG uNtil nO feeliNg.. den sTand dere.. left leg hit knee.. got a very long cuT to it.. aNd bleed drip oNto my sChool sHoe.. gross~ den right leg caNnot taHan.. doN't wAn mOve.. deN magGie sZekeNg aNd dino be my mediC.. magGie red cross de.. stop tHe bleediNg.. ( nO effect de) lolx.. den i put cold sPray myself.. paiN.. den after tat go home lors.. before tat go d&t.. reaCh le.. so paiN.. sAd.. miss the maTch.. dUnnOe saT cAn play nOt.. siaNs..
if u thinK i m faKin it.. sAy wAdever u wAn.. i dUn waNna cAre if u sAy i m flirtiNg wif her.. i dUn eveN wAnt to Noe tat u r cUrsiN oUr tasTe In cLothes.. aNd how 'well' ur taste is.. if u haVe aNy oPinIon.. keep it to urself.. becAuse ur wOrds maKe me PUKE..