The Pieces Dont Fit Anymore.
It’s been a long time since I felt like a total stranger to everyone around me.I can’t put myself in their shoes neither could I read their mind like how I always thought I could. It sucks, you bet.
Friendship issues are bothering me a hell load. Maybe its being a friend that makes expectations such a bitch, which makes speaking up seems like conversation between a school principal and a student who just committed a crime. How do you know when to speak up to make another not feel offended?
Now that’s school are tying everyone up, work responsibilities, water polo training and soccer to add on to my many priorities, where do all my friends stand now?
I don’t know.
Gone were the days when we meet up 2 or3 days a week at 121 the walking home, gone were the days when we could just sit anywhere for a heart to heart confinement with only a pack of Marlboro reds between us, gone were the days when one whole group of us playing our hearts out at sentosa, then screaming in pain because of the sunburns suffered, gone were the day when meeting up in a whole big group is as easy as sending one text message, gone were the day when I actually surprise you with a bouquet of flowers.
Do you know what im thinking, what he is thinking and what she is thinking? We know nuts.
Crisps and crumbs of ranting from a bloody annoying guy with nothing better to do but desperately seeking for attention shouldn’t blow you off, I guess.
Sometimes, I really think ignorance is bliss….
Nights bitches, hello projects.